1962 in Freiburg / Breisgau
Raised in Portugal / Lisbon, Sierra-Leone / Freetown
and in Germany / NRW.
pattern illustrator, Krefeld
FH Krefeld, studied object - design, FH Krefeld
(Thesis: The light in the painting)
1995- 2000 Rabat
2000-2002 Krefeld
since 2002 Vienna
since 1987:
Stadthaus, Rheinberg
Kramermuseum, Kempen
Alliance Franco Marocain, Rabat
Nationalgalerie Bab Doukhala, Marrakesch
Galerie Volubilis, Tanger
Chambre de Commerce, British Council, Agadir
Goethe – Institut, Rabat
EP – Galerie, Düsseldorf
Nationalgalerie Bab Ruah, Rabat
BBK - Kunstforum, Düsseldorf
Burg Rindern, Kleve
Kunstverein, Thüringen
Herken – Art, Herkenrath
Lichthof Galerie, Viersen
Stift Melk
Museumszentrum Mistelbach
Curhaus, Stephansplatz, Wien
Städtische Galerie im Park, Viersen
created on site are used as a template for a more detailed pencil drawing.
This drawing is divided into squares.
Each square is transferred separately with acrylic paint onto cardboard.
When all the fields are painted they are assembled.
The interfaces invite the viewer to look at each square individually
without losing sight of the whole picture.
In some cases I magnify a segment to a new painting.
This zoom effect can be used repeatedly.
Since 1993 I have been using the square, to find other ways of composition.
Since 2005, I tilt the squares of my painting to the tip.
This allows me to compress more information on the area.
In part I extend the viewing angle to 360 degrees and thus spells a
panoramic view.